Vice Chancellor’s Puttering Fund
Puttering: The act of doing dozens of little chores that no one knows need to be done, that no one wants to do, and no one notices have been done.
Working every day in the Wizard’s Tower involves a whole heck of a lot of puttering. A door latch needs adjusting. There’s a light out in the restroom. A/C filters need to be changed. Wine glasses need to be cleaned. A few chimes on the library railing need to be mended. The classroom computer dies and needs a new hard drive. The bowl of Hershey Nuggets is running low. The beer is past it’s best-by date. New cases of wine need to be placed in the wine cellar nooks.
Sometimes, the puttering requires a trip to Ace or a part ordered.
This is a never-ending thing. Puttering in the Tower is a bigger part of the Vice Chancellor’s job than you would believe. When it’s being done regularly, nobody knows about it.